Barista Nation Denver: The First Ever Idea Throwdown

Barista Nation Denver is looking for great ideas

You must sign up in advance to participate in this throw down of ideas to win big money at Barista Nation Denver on July 26

Leave it to Barista Nation to come up with a totally new concept and make it exciting and relevant to coffee professionals. As the theme for the upcoming Barista Nation Denver event ”which will be in the Colorado capital  on July 26 ”is The Start Up, organizers have decided to offer participants a way to make potentially big cash simply by exploring and developing their own start-up idea.

At the end of what is sure to be an awesome day of workshops and lectures on July 26, participants in the Idea Throwdown will come together to pitch ideas to judges in the hopes of winning as much as $1,000.

BUT YOU HAVE TO SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE IN THE IDEA THROWDOWN AHEAD OF TIME! (That means before Barista Nation Denver.)  Here’s the dealio:

Do you have an idea for the next great coffee brewing gadget? An innovative small business idea? Maybe you just have a pet peeve that you’re sure you could solve given the resources? Well, get ready for a throwdown ­ and this time we’ll be slinging ideas instead of espresso and milk! The idea throwdown is designed to be quick and simple.  Our goal is to reward your creativity, give you a little financial jump start, and connect you with innovative people and programs that can help you to commercialize your ideas!


You’ve got five minutes to pitch and validate your idea to the judges at Barista Nation Denver by providing basic information about your new product, business, or service idea.
● We’re looking for original, creative, innovative ideas…and a great pitch!  Feel free to use a poster ­board, tablet, laptop, surveys, interviews, etc (just be sure your battery is charged as power outlets are limited) to convey the general concept of your idea.
● There will be a Q&A session with our judges after each pitch, so be prepared to answer more detailed questions.
● A prototype isn’t required, but feel free to bring one if you’ve got it (or if it’s relevant to your idea).
● A brief business model, marketing strategy, competitive analysis and/or financial plan that can be  presented to the panel is encouraged (remember you have 5 minutes, keep it streamlined).


★Potential impact of your idea
★Preparedness and persuasiveness of your pitch
★Customer Validation on your product/service.
★A clear plan to create, implement, and market your idea or concept


1. You can go it alone or tag team it (up to 5 people per team).
2. The idea cannot be an active business, or in the act of being developed.
3. Submit pitch by 7/16/14 to  Please Include the following:
4. Name or Team Name/Phone/Emails/Twitter Handle
5. Brief pitch or description of your idea/concept.
6. Any business model, marketing strategy, competitive analysis, and/or financial plan documents you may have (these may also be presented to the panel during your five minute throwdown time).
7. Ideas/concepts must be original and legal in the USA.
8. Slots are limited, so submit your pitch quickly!
9. Once your information is received (by 7/16/14), you will be notified of your Idea Throwdown time slot during Barista Nation Denver (Sat, 7/26/14). The best pitch will win the first ever, Barista Nation Denver œIdea Throwdown , and a large cash prize.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.