Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #71 (July 23, 2014 Edition)

Welcome to this week’s  Humpday Giveaway winner announcement!

Thanks to everyone who came to play for the chance to win this sweet custom glass KeepCup, which was this week’s prize for Humpday Giveaway! As we do every single week, we offered up a coffee themed prize to you, our readers, for playing our fun little trivia question, wherein we ask you a question whose answer can be found in the current issue of Barista Magazine.

Loads of you wanted to win this KeepCup, which is so cool, we wish we could keep it! It's from the World Barista Championship in Rimini, Italy, so it's extra special!
Loads of you wanted to win this KeepCup, which is so cool, we wish we could keep it! It’s from the World Barista Championship in Rimini, Italy, so it’s extra special!

So without further ado, let’s see who wins this cup!

Question: Approximately how many cafés are there in Downtown Montreal?  

Answer:  More than 100!

So who’s our the Humpday Giveaway  winner? We put the names of all the people who got the answer correct into our random-selection software, and the winner was determined to be ¦

Christopher Toutain!

Congratulations, CHRISTOPHER!!  We’ll be contacting you shortly via email so we can get your prize out to you!

Thanks to everyone for playing!

If you didn’t win this week, never fear! There’s always another Humpday and another  Humpday Giveaway(and another winner) just around the corner. In the meantime keep coming back to the BMag Blog for the latest on news, events and people in this great industry!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.