Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #66 (June 18, 2014 Edition)

Here we go! It’s time for the announcement of this week’s Humpday winner! Yes, someone is going to walk away with (or rather have shipped to them) a set of two    Verona espresso demitasses  and saucers from Ancap USA!

This week's prize is straight from Italy! (Or at least made in Italy.)
This week’s prize is straight from Italy! (Or at least made in Italy.)

So let’s get to our question for review. Here it is:

Question:  QUESTION: Who won the inaugural Coffee Fest World Latte Art Open Tokyo held in April at the Tokyo Big Sight?

Answer: Junichi Yamaguchi!

So who’s our lucky winner? We put the names of all the people who got the answer correct into our random-selection software, and the winner was determined to be ¦

Thomas Yee!

Congratulations, Thomas!  We’ll be contacting you shortly via email so we can get your prize out to you!

Thanks to everyone for playing!

If you didn’t win this week, never fear! There’s always another Humpday just around the corner. In the meantime keep coming back to the BMag Blog for the latest on news, events and people in this great industry!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.