5-Year Plan for Coffee In Colombia

The FNC Releases a  5-Year Plan for Coffee in Colombia

Barista Magazine has partnered with the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC)  for many years now ”it’s such an honor for us to work with an organization that is not only dedicated to positive change and development for small coffee growers, but is organized and productive in its efforts. (If you haven’t read Erin Meister’s article about her experience at ExpoEspeciales in late 2014, which appears in the current issue of Barista Magazine, I urge you to!)

In late December, the FNC celebrated its LXXX National Congress of Coffee Growers where they defined and shared the priorities for the industry for 2015-2020.  The five-year strategy contains significant strategic insights: from initiatives needed to more efficiently manage production costs and increase productivity to topics like the development and deepening of markets around a quality strategy.

We’re not at all surprised that the FNC has already put its five-year goals in place. But this infographic that lays it all out just blows our minds. Check it out!

5-Year Plan for Coffee in Colombia

(Photo at top by Erin Meister)

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.