Title banner reads Coffee shipments come to a halt in colombia.

Coffee Shipments Halted in Colombia

As protests in Colombia continue, the country is experiencing a halt in coffee shipments. BY EMILY JOY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Over the past several weeks, Colombia has erupted in national strikes, with demonstrators […]

A generic cafe scene of bright lighting and folks indoors drinking coffee.

De-Escalation Methods for the Café

An employee workshop by Ritual Coffee Roasters prepares baristas for potential customer conflict in the café space. BY ALEXA ROMANOSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Ritual Coffee‘s flagship café is in the heart of San Francisco’s […]


The Bartenders & Baristas Challenge Is On!

For the fifth year, Licor 43 will host this impressive global challenge—apply now! FROM STAFF REPORTSBARISTA MAGAZINE If we’ve learned anything from the global popularity of coffee-based cocktails, it’s that the trend is more popular […]

The title image reads, Ask a Technician. We get the answers.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Ask a Technician: Bellwether Coffee

We learn about the nuances of keeping these energy-efficient coffee roasters in the best shape possible. BY SPENCER AUBREYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Bellwether Coffee Bellwether Coffee makes a commercial roaster built […]

A product shot of white airscape cannisters. A handful of beans sits at the front.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Reducing Single-Use Waste with Coffee Storage

Planetary Design partners with coffee roasters to promote reusable whole bean containers. BY EMILY JOY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Planetary Design In an industry riddled with single-use products, it can be […]

Title cover photo reads re:co returns this week for next digital event.

Re:co Symposium Returns This Week for Next Digital Event

The industry gathering will include sessions, interactive experiences, networking opportunities, and much more; registration is still available. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Each year, the specialty-coffee community gathers for the Re:co Symposium, an event from […]