10 Minutes With Jennifer Hyesung Chun

Jennifer Hyesung Chun
Coffee Code
Buena Park, California

What other coffee jobs have you had?  

Besides working at Coffee Code, I also work as a trainer and counselor for mostly Asian cafe franchises that have recently begun showing significant interest in specialty coffee, including  Cocohodo located at L.A., Orange County, San Diego, San Jose, and other locations; and  Veronese Cafe & Gallery in Fullerton, California. I also  hold workshops with my team at Coffee Code.

What’s your favorite part about working in coffee?

My favorite part about working in coffee is simple: the making of it. Of course, the complex artistry or dynamic flavors mezmerize me. However,  I find greater pleasure from the simple gestures of gratitude my customers express after enjoying the cup I serve them.  Also, as coffee enthusiasts, my team works together and encourages each other to bring out our fullest potential. Whenever any of my teammates are preparing for a competition, we support one another by doing anything we can to help the relationship we developed really bond as a team and improve us as baristas.

Jennifer and her sister Angie have fun making a siphon at Coffee Code in Southern California.
Jennifer and her sister Angie have fun making a siphon at Coffee Code in Southern California.

Where do you ideally see yourself in 10 years?

My ambition as a barista is to open an academy and to work actively as a trainer and instructor. My plans of opening the academy do not seem too far from being realized because it is currently under much consideration and preparation. Hopefully in the next 10 years I will have reached more than what I have in mind as of now.

Who and what inspires you?

Without a single ounce of doubt, my younger sister and brother are my biggest inspiration. Will and Angie are both amazing baristas themselves, and since day one, Coffee Code was run by the three of us as a team and more importantly, a family. Because we understand one other so well, we constantly work under much of each other’s scrutiny and criticism. As a result, we’ve all improved as baristas together.

Jennifer poured more than 300 lattes a day in preparation for the Coffee Fest Seattle Latte Art Championship that she ended up winning.
Jennifer poured more than 300 lattes a day in preparation for the Coffee Fest World Latte Art Championship that she ended up winning.

What are you drinking right now?  

Ethiopia Worka roasted by Klatch Coffee.  I like the flavor of  berries and bright tropical fruit notes. Since I started in coffee, I can’t live without pourover coffee. I order different origins  on a weekly basis and share them with others. My day starts with a pourover everyday.

Crazy/memorable coffee experience you’d like to share?

The most memorable coffee experience I had was the process I went through to prepare for Coffee Fest World Latte Art Championship. It was the biggest competition I had ever attended and consequently, I had to spend grueling hours of practice to prepare for it. Over the three months I spent preparing for the event, I poured 300 cups of latte art on average everyday. Thanks to the endless hours I spent practicing, not only did I win the competition, but I also improved exponentially in my coffee.

One day Jennifer would like to open her own barista academy.
One day Jennifer would like to open her own barista academy.

What do you do when you’re not doing coffee?

I just got married last September, so when I’m not doing coffee, I usually spend my time at home cleaning the house or fixing dinner for my husband. But I spend most of my time at my cafe. So when I am not doing coffee at work, I focus on the business to keep it busy by evaluating customer service, upgrading the equipment and ingredients, etc.

About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.