Heather Ringwood
Business Development, Customer Support
Espresso Parts
Olympia, Washington
What other coffee jobs have you had?
I worked at Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters for 16 years and held a lot of job titles there, the last one being Operations Director. I started as a barista there when we had one store in downtown Olympia, and had the opportunity to run a store, manage our retail operations, open new stores, and oversee our wholesale department. My work at B&B allowed me to really grow as a person and coffee professional ”nevermind the amazing people I had the opportunity to work with throughout the years! I have also been a Specialty Coffee Association of America volunteer for 10+ years assisting with the annual event, professional development, and helping to create several of the classes that are taught today! I am currently the Chair of the Competitions Committee and really love the competitions and its program development currently underway.

What’s your favorite part about working in coffee?
The coffee itself is just the cornerstone of what this industry is all about. From that foundation, we investigate and converse about the supply chain, social issues, environmental concerns, our greater community, and skill building. This is a “from the ground up” sort of community that supports the development of business and people within its mix ”all things I truly value.

Where do you ideally see yourself in 10 years?
Wherever I am or whatever I am doing, I pledge to be doing what I love to do, as often as possible. I want to work to my fullest potential and push myself for more. I plan to continue to compete with my dogs in dog agility, do more creative and artistic things, travel to coffee drinking and cider sipping places around the world, and come home to a farmhouse with an orchard. Sigh.

Who and what inspires you?
The entrepreneur inspires me. The self starter and hard worker who makes their dreams come true! It is such a pleasure to see successful, happy people and businesses happening all around me. The owners of Espresso Parts, Melissa and Matt [Myer], have that spirit. They lead our team to make forward-moving decisions that produce growth and opportunity. Michael Elvin opened Bar Francis this year with a cart in an art space in Olympia. Most people would overlook it as they drive by the hole-in-the-wall location, but they are missing out on some of the Northwest’s, if not the United States’, best coffee! My partner, Dave White and I are starting a cider company, Whitewood Cider. Watching Dave work in a new industry, build up the community and push the barriers into an up and coming beverage sector is inspiring. My dog-training friends, including my co-worker at Happy Dog Institute, are making a living helping people train and have more fun with their dogs through positive training methods. Amazing! I think the coffee community inspires us all to be passionate about what we do and be true to ourselves. That will take some of us on to other jobs outside the coffee industry, but the passion continues on.

What are you drinking right now?
An Americano from Bar Francis made with Fourbarrel Friendo Blendo

Crazy coffee experience you’d like to share?
I have no insane coffee adventure stories. I am just really thankful for the opportunities that I have had to spend time with the industry’s most forward-thinking people, to travel to far-away places like Dubai and experience a burgeoning coffee culture, and to have a hand in developing programs that make a difference to those folks in the industry.